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[Checklist] 10 Minute Terraced House Audit

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Want more space in your terraced house? In just a second I’m gonna show you how to do just that…

But first things first – the terraced house is as outdated as an episode of Hill Street Blues.

Terraced houses first became popular in the 1670’s due in no small part to the Great Fire of London in 1666 and ever since then they have been viewed by town planners as an ideal way to house people across the entire of the UK.

In fact almost 30% of all houses in the UK are terraced houses.

However the classic terraced house design is outdated, it’s design caters for a lifestyle that doesn’t exist anymore.

We live very differently now than we did even 10 to15 years ago and when you consider that a massive 58% of all properties in the UK are pre-1965, it’ll give you an idea of just how outdated terraced houses are with the kind of lifestyles we have now.

The Terraced House Opportunity

But with that said, there exists an opportunity to re-invent the humble terraced house.

There’s an opportunity sitting there in your home right now to give your property a new lease of life.

You see, most homeowners go ahead and invest their hard earned cash on expensive and time consuming extensions & basements without looking at how they can first transform the inside of their property as it currently stands.

Making some layout tweaks here and there will reveal a tonne of extra space in your house that’s just sitting there going to waste.

The trick is knowing what tweaks to make and where and this makes all the difference to the look & feel of your home as well as making it a much better place to live in.

But Why Isn’t This More Popular?

But the fact that most homeowners simply jump straight into getting expensive and time consuming extensions and basements without considering making these tweaks isn’t their fault.

It is in fact the fault of the architects they hire.

Moving a few walls around here and there doesn’t look good for their portfolios.

And these jobs don’t pay as well cause they’re not that expensive so there is very little motivation for an architect to tweak anything before they suggest the more expensive solutions.

Design/Build companies are even more Pied Piper in this respect because with that set up you pay them for the building work as well as the design and they’ll play their pipe to the tune of the more expensive options all day long.

And the upshot of all this is, if you don’t know what I’m about to share with you you’ll get roped into paying way over the top for things that you either don’t really need or ending up building something that isn’t anywhere as good as it should be…

…and if you’re not an professional experienced architect or home designer, how will you know the difference?

Tweaking The Layout Of Your Home

However with all that said, pretty much 99% of terraced houses all share the same problems and inefficient layout issues.

So if you know what tweaks to make & where, you can unlock a load of extra space by remodelling or reconfiguring the layout of each floor in your house.

PLUS this is far easier than building the more expensive options like extensions, lofts & basements not to mention a lot cheaper.

So I want to share with you these insider secrets to help you transform the inside of your property.

And because Terraced Houses are generally laid out in the same way right across the UK there is a standard list of issues that we can address that will apply to pretty much any Terraced House in the country.

Now I’m giving you this info in the form of an infographic so you can go around the house with this list and see where the problems are with your home.

I’ve also given you possible solutions under each problem highlighted.

Terraced House Audit Infographic

To download a copy of this infographic in PDF format just CLICK HERE.

The infographic is split between your ground floor and first floor plans.

We’ve highlighted the issues with each floor plan along with some potential solutions so you can grab back a tonne of extra space out of your home that’s currently sitting there going to waste due to the inefficiency of the classic terraced house design.

Here’s the infographic… (Click the image to enlarge or download it here)

What do you think?  What ideas do you have for your own terraced house?

Add them to the comments section below and let’s talk about them.

Again to download a copy of this infographic in PDF format just CLICK HERE.

Want To Know How Much Your Renovation Will Cost?

The most common question we get on this site and from our clients is “how do I get a ball park figure for my building work so I have an idea on how much it will cost me before I start?

And there hasn’t really been an easy answer to that…

…until now!

Well if the question above also applies to you then you need to check out our Ultimate Renovation & Remodelling Costing Toolkit.

Basically we’ve tried every costing tool both offline & online and we’ve put together this toolkit which shows you how to use what we consider the best 3 free online costing tools that exist for the UK market.

We break down each one and give you step-by-step instructions on how to use them and you’ll be shocked with how ridiculously easy to use they are.

We’ll also show you what info you need to fill them out and how to get this info if you don’t have it, again it’s really simple to do.

This is the best resource on the big bad interwebs for getting a pretty good ballpark figure for your renovation.

And the best part is that you can do it all online, there’s no calling anyone or booking an appointment or being hounded by sales people!

In summary:

And this is just a sample!

So to find out more all you have to do is click the link below:

Discover the 3 Simple Ways to Find Out
How Much Your Renovation Will Cost

Get an accurate cost for your potential renovation
in 5 minutes or less, yes it’s really that fast!

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